Tammy Goes to Guatemala


I’ve been invited to join a Vision Trip to Guatemala City in April with my friend, Melanie Dale, who partners with Children’s HopeChest, raising awareness and support for communities and orphans in Uganda.

On this Vision Trip, our team will visit several locations to evaluate the potential for partnership at that specific community. We will also visit locations that are established and see firsthand the difference Community-to-Community (C2C) can make towards sustainable development. At each location we will visit with local leadership, learn about community assets, as well as the future vision of sustainability. We will engage and interact (play!) with the children in the community, visit their homes, and tour the community to better understand the challenges at hand.This specific Vision Trip is for bloggers to partner in community transformation and get orphaned and vulnerable children sponsored. Our goal is to focus a bunch of blogs on one community to develop a relationship that will create sustainable development and hope for these kids. We will be writing in real-time about the trip and using our platform and influence to recruit our writers and readers as sponsors and adopt the communities that care for these children.


Besides myself and Melanie, we have Ashlee Gadd, editor at Coffee+Crumbs and Chantel Adams, owner of Forever We.

This will be my first time traveling out of the country! We fly in on Monday, April 18th (the day after the Festival of Faith and Writing!) and return Friday, April 22nd. Friends, family, and even new online connections donated to this trip and I am overwhelmed by their generosity and support. 

I am honored that Melanie invited me and wants to include The Mudroom. The people who read us and write for us are lovers of justice and staunch advocates for broken families and marginalized children. I know you don’t just talk about alleviating poverty, you want to do something about it. Your prayers are appreciated, and while you’re at it, think about how you want to be involved in some way. We’ll be coming home with ideas and I hope you’ll join us!

Tammy Perlmutter
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5 thoughts on “Tammy Goes to Guatemala

  1. I can’t wait to meet some of the families and children from your trip. Will keep you close in prayer as your prepare for your journey!

  2. SO excited for your first overseas experience, how God is going to use Mudroom readers and all the writing that is going to come out of this. Can’t wait to read it all!

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