Disturb Us, O Lord

Despite the gentle sound of the waves and the cool evening breeze descending over the lake, I couldn’t help but feel disturbed. The sunset over the Sea of Galilee should have soothed my soul, but my mind wouldn’t stop turning the story over and over. I sat there on the eastern shore recalling the day […]

Soul Sifting

My heart sank into my stomach as I stared at the familiar face on my computer screen. Her eyebrows lifted, likely wondering if my feed had frozen again. But my internet connection was working fine. I forced myself to take a deep breath as the word my therapist, Callie, had just spoken echoed in the […]

Healing God, Healing Earth

I sat in the stark white doctor’s office shivering in my flimsy paper gown. I was perched on the end of the examination table, legs and arms bare. The doctor sat below on a chair, clipboard in hand as she asked me questions. “Are you under a lot of stress?”  She asked, glancing up, glasses […]

Spilling Over

All beneath the moon will wane. Everything on these shores ebbs and flows like the sea. Everything beneath the sun will be eclipsed. You will not find in time that which is only to be discovered in eternity.  – Charles Spurgeon   It happens only a few times a year. Everything is perfectly aligned. Sun, […]


I follow crumbs at Dusk along the damp  Earth. Will tomorrow’s  Materialize?   I wish I had your Wings, could soar free and See the water, the Moon reflected whole.   Instead it’s like a Maze of green hedges, Young Alice meets the Minotaur. The night’s   Labyrinth fills me With echoes and  Trembling, but […]

Filling My Days With Beauty

In the classical school where I work during the day, school leaders often talk about teaching children how to discern what is true, good, and beautiful. They do this by thoughtfully choosing which books to read, field trips to go on, and big ideas to discuss.   In my own life, I have a tendency to […]

Filled with Feelings

The first signs of spring began a couple of weeks ago and I’ve decided to plant a garden again this year. I close my eyes and can smell the dirt of gardens past. I can feel the muscles of my shoulders shrieking at the memory of so many rows of weeds. Memories can feel like […]

The Words You Think

I looked toward the ocean, gray and foamy on this cooler-than-average Florida day. Despite my nervousness, I followed the lead of the others in the group and started wading out into the water. The coolness of the winter ocean shocked me as I entered it.  On my own, I probably would have given up or […]

Birds and Branches

A Reflection on Being a Visitor About 8 years ago I attended a regional Catholic Worker gathering for families like mine: people of faith who operated houses of hospitality. I lamented to the other leaders that our first resident volunteer had prematurely announced her departure the week before, leaving the co-founder and me to lead […]

When We’re Empty

Editor’s Note: Today’s picture was captured by the remarkable writer, photographer, Mudroom alumna, and friend— Dorothy Greco. You can find more of Dorothy’s words and images at her website, dorothygreco.com.  *** Here in the wastelands of February, we brush up against brilliance. We behold winter’s splendor—as she blankets sleeping soil with trains of white and […]

Giving Up the Shoulds and Coulds

We know it when we experience rest, but specific definitions of rest are complicated. Rest could be sleeping, reading a book, planting a garden, or creating a delicious dinner for friends. My pastor once told me that he finds it restful to put on headphones, listen to the Cubs game, and cut the grass in […]

For the Heavy Lifters

Dear You, Crouched in that corner of the closet you’ve made your own, so you can steal one more moment before you have to hold up half of the sky again . . . Before you flip the nebulizer’s switch and pray your lungs cooperate this time—so you can tuck your boys in tonight. Before […]

The Rest of the Time

Some mornings I wake up and I don’t feel tired. My hair isn’t frizzy and I had the forethought to iron my shirt the night before. I exercise. I pack a healthy lunch. I read a devotional. I drive the speed limit. But, the rest of the time…. I skip a few or all of […]

The Starting Line: The Journey Begins

The South African word ubuntu loosely translates, “I am because we are,” and highlights how our lives are deeply intertwined and impacted by one another. Without ubuntu, individualism, possessiveness, and self-centeredness are the order of the day. We need support from others, especially as we grapple with issues around race, equity, belonging, reconciliation, and revolution. […]