Suffering as a Spiritual Discipline

When we talk about Spiritual Disciplines, we like to think of things we are adding into our lives. Rhythms, practices, prayers. Maybe it’s painting or journaling, perhaps it’s times spent wandering a trail in nature or a different way of allocating our time. Regardless of the method, the goal is the same: to connect with […]

Are We Nearly There Yet?

 Are we nearly there yet: it’s the phrase dreaded by parents everywhere. Growing up in England, I spent much of my vacations trailing up and down mountains in the Lake District and North Wales. Being the eldest of three – and having been raised to be fiercely competitive – I was desperate to make each […]

Renewal Is All Around Us

Not a day goes by without me thinking, “I’d rather be stacking shelves in a grocery shop!” I am primary school teacher, you see. At times, the job can be extremely stressful, but through it I get to experience the magic of having direct access to God’s power to restore and renew. How does that […]

The Restoration We Find through Confession

Confession has never been a feel-good word to me. I grew up in a Korean Presbyterian church, so confession often meant something along the lines of punishment, sinner, dirty, shame. Shame for the things we had done. Shame for the ways we had failed. Shame for not being able to overcome. Shame for even feeling […]