Why Pleasure Doesn’t Satisfy

Every Friday in November, The Mudroom is featuring author Lindsey Smallwood. Lindsey recently published Ecclesiastes: Life in Full Color, her second small group Bible study. The following devotional reflection is based her book and the related materials available for small groups. Pleasure. It can mean so many different things. Food. Sex. Entertainment. Alcohol. We live […]

When Time is Not on Our Side

Every Friday in November, The Mudroom is featuring author Lindsey Smallwood. Lindsey recently published Ecclesiastes: Life in Full Color, her second Bible study book. The following devotional reflection is based her book and the related materials available for small groups. For everything there is a season,     a time for every activity under heaven. A time to […]

The Life We Cannot See

Every Friday in November, The Mudroom is featuring author Lindsey Smallwood. Lindsey recently published Ecclesiastes: Life in Full Color, her second Bible study book. The following devotional reflection is based her book and the related materials available for small groups. A couple years ago, some friends of ours were married in Ojai, California. Ojai is […]

When Life Slips Through Your Fingers

Every Friday in November, The Mudroom is featuring author Lindsey Smallwood. Lindsey recently published Ecclesiastes: Life in Full Color, her second Bible study book. The following devotional reflection is based her book and the related materials available for small groups. When it comes to reading and studying the Bible, I totally play favorites. The English […]

Let Them Love You

I am good at loving. I’m quick with encouraging words and enthusiasm, as in “I LOVE your new haircut and the way you’re bravely stepping into something new.” I’m well practiced at keeping my circle wide and my hands open, so that I can welcome you to our dinner table or offer to help when […]

Mudroom News #1

We have been busy behind the scenes working on making The Mudroom a more inspiring, engaging, and inviting place for our contributors, guest posters, support staff, and readers. We have a few announcements to share with you, and we will be dividing them up this month. First, we’d like to introduce you to our Support […]

Just Like Riding a Bike

Four years ago a teen-aged boy pointed a gun at me while demanding I give him my money. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oakland, California. I was standing at the flagpole in front of the elementary school where I’d recently been assigned to teach. My husband Chris and I had ridden our bikes […]