Goodbye from The Mudroom

The Mudroom opened its doors almost nine years ago when there weren’t many places Christian women could share their writing. The Christian blogosphere resonated with its readers and became a trusted source for spiritual resources, as well as a confessional place where people were sharing their deepest struggles, hurts, longings, and challenges. 

I couldn’t find a foothold in that arena so I created The Mudroom, along with a handful of women who shared my vision: a safe community for women to be completely themselves and share the spillover from their bursting hearts  This resulted in the building of an amazing community of women who have gifted us with their words, their time, their encouragement, their support, and their very hearts. We love our readers and writers and count ourselves immensely blessed to have been a part of your lives for so long.

The online world has changed dramatically in recent years, and we have sought to keep up with it. People are taking in content at the speed of sound more than they are reading these days, due to the hyperspeed-paced lives we are all living. The Mudroom is dedicated to the written word, and even though we hosted a podcast for almost 2 years, thanks to the brilliant and dedicated Nichole Woo, it wasn’t aligned with our original ethos. While we thrived in close connections with our readers, personal interactions and comments—the things that made blogging so powerful—began to dwindle in blog space in favor of social media engagement. 

The lives of our writers have changed as well. We are embarking on new adventures professionally and personally. Our kids are eight years older. We’ve graduated from things. We’ve defended theses and dissertations. We’ve published books. We’ve moved. We’ve launched children into adulthood.

Personally, I had more time and space nine years ago for writing, editing, and maintaining relationships and the website. My life has changed dramatically since April and I’m being called to new things. The time and energy I reserve for The Mudroom are being tapped for more responsibility and deeper involvement in my intentional community, Jesus People, and our shelter Cornerstone Community Outreach, as well as Master Naturalist volunteering, and digging into my new church, Trinity. 

It’s been an incredible run, but the time has come to close the door on The Mudroom. Up till today, we’ve had 1,111 posts and we’ve hosted 300 writers! It is a truly remarkable accomplishment and I am proud of every one of us who has contributed, read our posts, followed our writers, and cheered us on. YOU made The Mudroom what it is and we are profoundly thankful for all of you. 

Just because we are closing doesn’t mean we are no longer writing. Be assured that the heart of The Mudroom, its welcoming embrace, and its love for Jesus and His Kingdom beats on in the words and lives of those who’ve called this space home. While this chapter closes, The Mudroom’s legacy continues. You can continue to join them in their writing journeys and connect with them through the links offered below: 

Chelle Wilson: It’s been a season of profound, prolonged loss. I’ve learned that control doesn’t work and have found a freeing joy in simply embracing the exquisiteness of each day for the gift it is. Our last chick is leaving the nest and I have fallen in love with My Beloved once again. I look forward to new words, new journeys, and to embracing what God has for me. I lost so much but found myself, and I love her fiercely. I’ll open a new decade in January, 60!  I am graying and it is a metaphor for so much in my life. 

Carrie Morris How:  find myself on quite an unexpected path these days… I’ve moved to Ashland, Oregon, fallen in love, and gotten remarried—something I never imagined in my single widow-lady state! We are enjoying our new home and church, and since I am newly retired, we are exploring and traveling together.

In my very happy (& distracted!) state for the past couple of years, not much writing has been happening. When I am inspired to write, I find that my heart has gradually shifted from being so thoroughly colored by grief to a focus on resilience and faith in transition. You can find me at The Redbud Post, Facebook, and my blog: Letters from the Land of Limbo (as soon as I get it back up and running!)

Nicole T. Walters: My writing is primarily academic in this season of life. I am currently completing a Master of Theology program with a concentration in Episcopal and Anglican Studies at Candler School of Theology at Emory University. I am a Doctoral Candidate at Winebrenner Theological Seminary writing and researching about a recovery of contemplative practice in the Episcopal Church. I am the Seminarian service in my home parish and an aspirant for Holy Orders in the Atlanta Diocese (a priest-in-training). I work for Ruby Brick as a Communications Specialist helping non-profit clients tell their stories. 

You can find my (mostly past) writing, sermons, and updates at

Rebecca Detrick: I’m currently committing myself to writing again in my own blog space at Over Around and Through—additionally, I’m drafting and revising and drafting and revising two children’s book manuscripts that I hope to find agents/publishers to represent within this coming year. Still teaching full-time for Independent Study/Home School Charter, and I have a year left of my term as an Elder in our little church in Davis. It’s a full and fabulously nuts life.

Prasanta Verma: I will have my first book released in April 2024, Beyond Ethnic Loneliness. Over the years, my writing has gravitated to the themes of belonging, identity, and loneliness. I long to tell people that their voice and their story matter, that they belong, and how much we need each other in this increasingly disconnected and polarized but stunningly beautiful world. I also write about communication, culture, health, mental health, othering, and diaspora. In addition to writing, I work in the public health and healthcare field. I write regularly in my newsletter and Instagram, and you can also connect with me at my website

Nichole Woo: After four years writing, editing, podcasting, and social media-ing at The Mudroom, I’m prayerfully discerning next steps. I will miss this community dearly—and the many moments sitting with all of you amidst the joy, grief, nagging questions, deepening faith, field hockey sticks, and muddy-soled shoes. Your stories and the brave telling of them have made this space a sacred one. As this chapter closes, I look forward to the ones yet unwritten. While their settings, conflicts, and plotlines remain a mystery—I am sure of a redemption arc that will always bend back to Jesus. Always. I look forward to sharing more words (written and spoken) in the new year at my Substack hub ( and my website, Walk the Narrows. In the meantime, I plan to divide my time between my editing business (Resonate), hiking in my beloved Rocky Mountains, reading Jane Austen by firelightunsolicitedto my husband/kids, and chipping away at the pile of laundry that has taken up a permanent residence in my bedroom corner. Lord Jesus, be near to all who have shed their layers here and called The Mudroom home!

Yours always,


Tammy Perlmutter
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21 thoughts on “Goodbye from The Mudroom

  1. Thank you for all your work and support in making Mudroom a beautiful place. I loved writing for you and being part of this community. Praying for God’s abundant blessing as you move on to other things. With love.

  2. The Mudroom was a safe space for my words, and you, Tammy, were the warm welcome. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to be a guest writer so many years ago!

  3. Goodbyes are so often bittersweet. Change is inevitable. I have written everyday for many years but Mudroom was the first place I ever shared my writing. Since that, I have shared a little more of my writing with more people and have had positive responses. So thank you Mudroom for being my first published writing. You have inspired and given me courage to share. May God continue to bless you all.

  4. I couldn’t access this for a while, but I am so grateful for this space and for each of you. Thanks for founding this amazing corner of the Internet, Tammy.

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